Friday, August 30, 2013

Trip Bodoh-Bodoh Alang Ahad - 7 Oktober 2012

Ini kisah lama, masa tu kitorang baru habis event kat sg haji dorani, jadi nak mengisi masa lapang hari ahad tu kami berlima Syed,Abe,Ame,Radzie dan Azfar bergerak dari rumah sewa, kereta satria dan persona kitorang tinggalkan sebab untuk pertama kalinya kitorang pinjam kereta KIA optima 2003 milik mak si safiq, masa ni safiq takde sebab seminggu dia kena pergi trip.

Selepas 2M - melabur dan memberi makan kepada haiwan peliharaan di rumah, kami pun bergerak ke Kuala Selangor, dalam perjalananan tu dengan poyo nya kami bukak sunroof kereta safiq nk bergaya macam nigga la kononnya. Di satu jalan tiba-tiba kami ternampak baiya penjual aiskrim yang selalu datang rumah tiap-tiap petang tengah jual aiskrim kat satu majlis kahwin orang kampung, memang masyuk nate si baiya ni.

Berhenti di stesen petronas yang paling aku suka servisnya iaitu petronas sungai Haji Dorani, di petronas ni aku masih dapat servis pam attendant berbanding di tempat lain yang banyak servis layan diri. Masa ni aku cucuk duit kat atm bank islam dan beli air tenaga Real Madrid. Perjalanan pun bermula, sampai di sekinchan kitorang terkejut jugak dengan sorang pakcik tua yang kitorang gelar pakcik toretto sebab dia pakai kereta yang sama macam dominic toretto guna dalam fast furious 4. Heran jugak kitorang tengok pacik ni, pakai kereta nak usang tapi berkali-kali jugak dia potong Kia yang kitorang naik ni.

Dalam perjalanan masing-masing dah plan nak makan cendol durian borhan tapi semakin dekat ke Tanjung Karang semakin kitorang rasa dah tertinggal atau terlepas pandang si cendol durian burhan tu, alternatif kepala lutut dia kitorang singgah saja ke cendol bakar di tepi jalan sebelah stesen minyak Esso. sambil tu sekor-sekor la bercerita pasal event semalam punya taik, tiba-tiba aku terdengar si abe cakap cendol durian burhan tu dalam 500 meter je dari cendol bakar ni.

1 hal lagi, aku hairan jugak kenapa nama cendol bakar ?? bila aku makan cendol ni sejuk je macam cendol biasa takde pun aku tengok dia bakar cendol ni atas api. Selepas meratah cendol tu, kitorang pun meneruskan perjalanan ke pekan Kuala Selangor, dalam jarak 500 meter dari cendol bakar sebelah stesen minyak esso tadi...... Ya Allah !! Celakanya kitorang ! Cendol Durian Borhan ni tersergam indah je tepi jalan....menanti pelanggan.

Sampai saja di Kuala Selangor tiba-tiba tercetus idea nak pergi area bukit Malawati, entah apa spirit yang merasuk kitorang berlima sampai terjebak masuk ke taman ikan air tawar, oh baru aku ingat! asalnya aku dan syed nak carik tandas untuk kencing tapi tak jumpa alih-alih termasuk ke dalam Taman Ikan Air Tawar di area bukit Malawati tu. Bayar masuk untuk 1 kepala dewasa ialah 2 ringgit, dengan pantasnya aku dan syed pun mencari tandas lelaki,sambil tu melilau jugak dalam taman ikan tu nak tengok apa ada, ikan dia yang macam-macam puas hati jugak la tengok walaupun ada suara sumbang kata buang 2 ringgit pegi taman ikan ni. 2 ringgit tapi nak harapkan masuk macam aquaria KLCC  ?? mentaliti rakyat dunia ketiga, nak murah tapi nak masuk tempat mahal. selain ikan, spesies burung dan ayam pun ada dalam taman ni. 
Selepas melawat taman ikan air tawar, kitorang pun bergerak ke pekan kuala selangor, alangkah bestnya duduk kuala selangor ni, infrastruktur banyak yang dah di naik taraf. Perut rasa lapar,jadi nak menurutkan nafsu makan tu kitorang pun pergi round pekan tu nak carik mamak dan jumpa 1 kedai mamak yang hidangan dia tak ada banyak pilihan macam mamak sri kassim yang selalu kitorang pegi kat pekan sungai besar nun. Tak silap aku nama mamak ni, Ali dan Haniffa aku makan nasi putih,ayam dan sayur + air minum je dah kena rm 8.00++. padahal aku makan kat sri kassim tu harga rm 6.50 je biasa kena. Lepas tu kitorang pun pergi ke plaza kuala selangor, belakang Tesco Kuala Selangor, kitorang beli tiket movie Taken 2. Sambil tu aku ada perang mulut pulak, jadi diorang pun tercarik-carik aku kat mana masa tu. Rupa-rupanya aku tengah berperang mulut di handfon  di kawasan rak buku, kedai buku karangkraf sebelah Panggung wayang lotus kuala selangor.

malas nak cakap sebenarnya apa punca aku perang mulut di handphone waktu tu,jadi aku move on dan lalui haritu untuk lupakan sebentar masalah yang melanda.

gambar dari blog - kelly c, budak gemok dan ada dari koleksi peribadi aku sendiri

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Third World Minded Detected

i dont care if they say u live in tree house, because they are idiot. Previously over two years ago when i just took over this blog i had posted article and picture about tree house or something that they build on tree. Why u must shame when they said u lived in tree house ?
over here i attach the rumah di pokok mangga
                                   ofis atas pokok
                                   rumah berkanopi di atas pokok
                                  rumah atas pokok di brazil

most of these house are build by firm  Casa Na Arvore , or check their official website for more detail, by the way their tree house are cool and awesome.
by the way, Muhd Azfar is really cool guy on earth

Filem Melayu Oh Filem Melayu.....

aku dah membebel panjang pasal kempen pakai songkok nak tengok movie ni dulu, punya la penat membebel last2 tak jadik ditayangkan, should i tell you so many times that malays movie is suck and all stories are display the same story line. I'm not against all the malay movies but if the movie is good like a Bunohan, I would like to go fot it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Where Are All The Mudskipper Gone ?

in 2013 , I wonder where are  the reptilia that i used to see when i kid gone ?? 15 year ago all houses opposite to our rumah pusaka is being build upon muddy land so while I'm walked to the river cliff that kind of 2 alam fish will always appear and swimming or skipping like speed boat. luckily back then im not so evil, so i just let the ikan belacak do their businesses.

the mudskipper size is about the length of your jari telunjuk, i thought all the mudskipper are same in every land or soil.but when i been to pulau sempadi in 2001, i was surprises because their mudskipper sized is 3-4 times bigger and longer than species in my kampung. the mudskipper i seen in sempadi almost similar tu ikan haruan or toman.
i never eat that mudskipper so i can't tell how u does it taste, the last  time i saw mudskipper is in 2009. the opposite house that is still not being landfill by tanah merah so i can see clearly that fish moving freely under folks houses.but nowadays, all villagers want to landfilled  to build a new base for their upcoming rumah batu, since then i dont know where are all the belacak migrate. i also have a look at some old type of houses that are still supported by pillars which is the mud land beneath their house is still not landfilled but the belacak is not there already.
belacak, where the hell are u ??? in peninsular, belacak they used it as medicine but in my kampung belacak is useless so i believe belacak are not extinct.... they just missing

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last Year Trip, Jelajah Utagha Na !!!!

here photo i receive from pop, since these photo berkurun lama nya in his iphone.this photo being snapped when i in a ferry to my first trip to langkawi and my first time reached padang besar. nak diceritakan, i made my way to padang besar just after we landed safely in kuala perlis jetty. my mission to get to padang besar just wanted to bought some football jersi down there, the time i been there the market are about to closing down because it is 6.30 already lah

* I look a bit slim in these pic even that time  my weight is increase

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hanabishi Pergi, Pensonic Jadi Pengganti

this is not a love story, this a thermoflask in my house brand. the thermoflask already serve for us in this house for 3 years since 2010, i bet eversince it had filled up over 1500 cup of drinks, no matter it is coffee,tea,milk,milo or other type of hot drink.if lazy we also used hot water from this thermoflask then mixed with cordial to ensure the coarse sugar are melted and soluble quickly.

the reason our family decided to change to brand new because the thermoflask no longer can suck out the hot water. when we press the button no longer hot water suck out, so about two weeks we had to use ladle to take out the water from thermoflask.well, that's the only problem otherwise the thermoflask is in good condition to serve many years to come and i dont understand why mom and pop cant hold with it, just open the thermoflask and use ladle to take out the hot water,just like what drink seller used to do at pasar malam.

actually, if u had to wait for 20 minutes for the cold water turn to hot water is more kind of wasting time rather than take out warm water from the auto - turn - manual termos.oh, maybe my parents tall is the problem why does they cant manage to take out the water properly because they had to risen their head to see then up a little bit they foot sole to ensure they can take out the water properly. the new brand thermoflask is pensonic, it figure are bigger than the previous one. but u got framed by the manufacturer or designer yaw !!!! 

1) the pensonic thermosk also contain 5 litre of water just like the hanabishi except the hanabishi thermosk is shorter and smaller
2) this is the main reason why does my mom got pissed off, the pensonic piston suck out hot water  slower than the hanabishi,the pensonic took us about 5 second to filled a mug of milo.but the hanabishi just took 2 second to fill the mug.

3) surely hanabishi for the winner, because the size is smaller so easy to clean the thermosk,

4) the speed of the water being suck out / flow out from hanabishi is much better and faster than pensonic

5) though the hanabishi is faster to flow out hot water but the amount of hot water that flow out really satisfied me which is more amount of water than pensonic.


January 2010 - August 2013

Suasana Muram Di Pagi Hari 23.8.2013

KL sebenarnya cantik kalau cuaca dia macam dalam gambar ni, suram dan macam waktu 7.30 petang pun ada walaupun masa gambar ni ditangkap jam pukul 8 pagi

Korang Lah Pikir, Aku Dah Malas Nak Cakap Ape-Ape

teori syirik aku : altantuya jalan kaki ke puncak bukit - pergi ke satu kawasan lapang yang gelap - kemudian bom diri sendiri #macai #redha #bersyukur
kredit gambar tu zunar kartunis

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Hari Raya Anthem That Ruined My 2013 Raya Celebration


During the last day of puasa dan early days of syawal i settle down in my uncle house, the only option i got is a tv and some free tv channel. rtm program, tv3 and tv7. 8tv and tv9 got no coverage la in my kampung if only u got astro. al hijrah ?? of course not.luckily at night i can watch tv because mom not seat in front of tv and watching her favourite tv program, astro oasis,al hijrah or religious program in tv 9 in KL usually that was her ibadah every night and sometimes perang mulut or ideologi are occur because we 3 brothers usually spent time watching football program only if no football we only watching those academical channel like history channel,discovery,national geographic, if theres nothing to watch we 3 brothers tune to astro ceria or those program masakan Asian food channel , thank's uncle u made my day ! by that mom no longer blah blah blah about religion and voice out her yahudi teori to rule the world or syiah element in facebook to absorb in sunah waljamaah altar. the fact is she got no facebook account, let say email account also no exist lah.

but there's 1 problem while no astro around ..... the bunkface song is being played all over 24/7 in tv3. what i heard is some shitty song, no penghayatan and penjiwaan about that song.i bet shamsul annuar mohd baharom wrote that song just after he got called from someone that just win the tender for bunkface to used their hari raya song as tv3 2013 raya anthem. i thought the song is written when they got bored in studio so that's why anugerah syawal is giving nothing than prank syawal. i not against all the new raya anthem song,but me just want express how do i hate some raya song that should not exist.

every hour when the phrases ' yeah yeah yeah hoooo hooooo selamat hari rayaaaa!!! ' made me sick and i try to ran away when the song is being shown on screen. for those catchy song u can get an airplay ? it is not about dengki, is it dengki if ur song damaged our non-cable tv subscribers ear ??!! not me also membebel or talk much about that song, in facebook some internet friend also updating their status how hate they toward that song. i repeat, i not against new raya anthem but if the song are good and sedap didengar why should we hate it ? it must be a reason why do we hate new raya anthem because they made the song asal boleh,asal ada word bermaafan-maafan, hari raya aidilfitri , maaf zahir batin, saudara-saudari,ku pohon ampun,berpuasa sebulan, for those meleis it is the cukup syarat to put those word on raya anthem song. sad to say but true.... sudirman balik kampung song got no word RAYA and PUASA in it !!! but why does that song frequently being play during ramadhan ????? it is proved that u think that song is related to raya because it is used term 'balik kampung' padahal that song is all about return to your motherland when u got holiday or in vacation.

those douchebag said bunkface song is really best.... excuse me, a few months ago bunkface just release their new album but the sambutan is not memberangsangkan because nowadays teenagers are tendency to kpop and techno, because they think rock is ketinggalan zaman, syukur I'm not being born together with those shitty teen years so i no need to be friend with kpopers and technokers.
but the thing is, people out there think bunkface raya song is best but they doesnt realize that song being play frequently so they slowly hafal all the lirik and get used to that song, so they stated that is song is best, but what if they just listen to bunkface song once in a lifetime ?? they must said that song is worst and got no syahdu in it is give you those new raya song that i really like and not bad to listening to, no wonder some of this song almost reach 10 years or more than 10 years in market but masyarakat today still recognize these song are new....

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Flash Back Di Suatu Petang

So long no update ? i busy play fifa 13 la recently,current I manage Fc Zurich of Switzerland league.

Nope !! I'm not telling you that i play fifa in the afternoon, after getting sick with hang screen for several occasion i started to back to the past, while me lay down in queen size bed in my room i begin to recall some memories i had with arwah atok, for sarawakian like us #SLU Normally we call our grandpa,atok as Nenek ( spell : Ninek ) my special superior grandpa, we called him ' nek mok ' because when we kid, we are stupid idiot but honest give him the nickname because he quite fat but when i see old photos of him, he not fat actually he just have bulky physical and because he used to wear big size shirt that's why he look fat.

when i kids, me with my abang and adik usually had outing outside follow atuk met his business woodwork partner. the best is atok really sporting ! he didn't care what we wore, usually back then when i followed him i wore seluar pendek,selipar and t shirt. after saw three of us getting sleepy and look lost when he had conversation with partner he as soon as possible quickly to finish his business then took us to the medan selera in front of everrise batu 7. what i remember is he belanja milo peng ( iced milo ) ABC,roti canai and mee kolok, that's why i began to love mee kolok because there's no other halal food i can eat la. the other booth is selling some chinese food.atok really cool because he always got friend to chat when lepak at the food court. i guest it's been 10 years i not eat at the food court in front of everrise batu 7 and tung yang trading co. the only thing that different now and back then is the small but tall figure hill next to the food court had been bulldozed, since the opening of serapi corner in 2004 people around there getting so sensitive about food especially when missionary from semenanjung come and blah blah blah about jakim and halalan toyyiban. excuse me, we original of sarawakian are liberal OK !! we dont care about halal term as long as the food is clean and safe to eat and we islamic sarawakian dont eat dont think we are jahiliyah or knowledgeless understood !!

on the way back to kampung in friday afternoon while I'm at the back seat, atok will give me some candy to eat, if the candy habis stok already atok will stopped at chinese grocery on the roadside, atok will stay in the driving seat while nenek took me out to chose which candy and snack i prefer. until now the 80 kilometer journey from kem penrissen batu 8 to gedong is a short journey for me though no kuching - serian highway yet at that time.for that sweet journey the brand Torrone sweet always in my mind because it is cheap and tasty. 10 sen u can get two piece of candy u know !!

the other port makan nek mok had brought us is the sofiabon cafe at pekan serian, when i was kid especially petang jumaat when we had stop there for rehat dan rawat, nek mok will stay there with three of us while mom and nek us ( spell : URS not you ass or ers )  been to pasar serian to bought some raw material we 3 stooges and nek mok will lepaking @ hangout at the cafe to have milo peng. when we return kampung in pagi sabtu, we also stop there and have some meal. the special thing sofiabon cafe sell their cuisine/main course at the morning when that time for breakfast actually.that's why i dont feel weird or alienated when i see kelantanese or sek2 kelate makey nasik berlauk di awal pagi.nok pelik nate gapo ?? aku pung makey nasik berlauk pukul lape,sembile pagi maso duduk seghawok dulu.

nek mok spent so much time with me compare to my own pop. he also patient with our demand, i remember when we want go to tung yang but that shop not open yet, he seat at the floor and reading newspaper waiting the shopkeeper to open. when i receive my first form to give kebenaran from parents or caretaker to allow us to go to involve in co-curicular activities he filled that form while my parents was somewhere in this world. after i moved to single house in kem batu 8, nearby to my old house, i used to played football on pitch at the back of the house.atok spent his 3minutes to kick the ball to me, i was trained as goalkeeper by the way and maybe because of his redha and berkat, in football I'm very good at goalkeeping position even though my height is just 1.66 metre. nek mok is my biggest influence in my life.

when i passed my akil baligh era, we are getting serious business especially when nek us left both of us forever.atok always asking for my help and at the young age of 13 years old when other teenagers used to sleept 1pm and wake up at 12 pm. i had to spent my school holiday to be by his side as his khadam or sidekick, he knock my door room to wake me up at 4.30 pm and the prepared for solat subuh, after subuh in the morning of tuesday - thursday and saturday, i will stand at the sideroad and give signal to the van driver to pick him up and deliver him to serian haemodialisis. at the young age of 14 years old when others teenagers began to dating,declare their relationship and spend their holiday with family or lepak at shopping mall. meanwhile,i spend my school holiday in kampung to taking care of him, and let nek mok hold onto my biceps and shoulder because his vision and short sightedness are geting worse so he need something to rely on. i dont care or shame because it is my time to serve good for him even just need to ensure he got something to hold on while walking. sad to say, in 2008 just after 3 week  we return to KL from celebrating hari raya his health condition are getting worse and that night after I return from KAMI the concert in Bukit Jalil, mom had to balik kampung along with my younger sister then followed by daddy.only me and younger brother at home and the oldest one in boarding school.after discover about his critical condition from what i heard from my mom and his friend next door chattng while i made my way to the door house.i just keep calm and watching liverpool vs wigan live game which liverpool win 3-2.

about 6 am, the phone in ruang tamu is ringing, i pick up the phone it is called from pop daddy just to told me that nek mok has just leave forever, im not crying what i did is prepare for solat subuh and after that reading surah yassin for him.the only thing i terkilan and regret is i almost break my stupid idiot brother door room because he dont open the door and listen to me that grandpa has gone forever. at mid day of sadness sunday he came out of his room and i just told him that grandpa has gone, i really anger that time because
1) he dont open the door for me
2) he dont recite al fatihah or yassin to his own grandpa
3) he treat the day just like typical weekend day
4) he dont call mom or ambik tau what just happen

me as haji ali grandson really ashamed for what he did, if u dont respect me i dont mind, but u dont even give a respect towards your grandpa,nek mok the person that taking care of u when your father away.

it's like a dejavu, nek us @ hajah Nipah gone in the early morning of sunday and nek mok @ haji Ali  gone the same way. sebak didada masih terasa hingga kini,untuk dia ku tulis memoir ini.syawal sejak 8 dan 4 tahun lalu sentiasa rasa janggal.why do i dont merengek to balik kampung during holiday ?? i had spent enough time and lot of memory with him to remember, the only reason i return is to pay him a 'visit' and recall all the moment with both of them.

Bila dunia seolah tak memahami
Kau sudi selami, dalami dan mengalami
Setia mendengar, sentiasa hadir
Ingat setiap ulangtahun, setiap hari lahir
Tiba pagi Syawal, kaulah yang terawal
Syawal yang terakhir ini pasti rasa janggal
70 000 hijab harus ku singkap
Ku sorok kitab balik tingkap penjara hinggap
Dalam diam ada, seorang yang ku puja
Kau teristimewa tapi dia yang sempurna

Pabila syawal menjelang hari yang dahulu tenang
Kini semakin menghilang
Oh Tuhan tabahkan hatiku
Hadapi next Aidilfitri

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Smurf 2 Bahasa Malaysia

  • ini pertama kali aku tengok the smurf, the smurf 1 dulu aku tak tengok
  • tengok pun sebab TAKDE orang lain nak teman adik bongsu aku tengok movie ni
  • movie ni hanya tayang sekali sehari saja iaitu 4.15 petang untuk smurf versi bahasa melayu
  • ini jugak pertama kali aku tengok movie animasi yang di alih bahasa ke bahasa melayu di panggung wayang gambar
  • semasa beratur membeli tiket pukul 2.30 banyak kali jugak aku maki hamun dalam hati sebab terpaksa beratur panjang pasal TGV wangsa walk semalam sesak dengan budak sekolah aka Budak Budak Baru Nak Up 
  • adik perempuan aku yang first tiba-tiba last minute boleh cancel pulak, jadi aku dengan adik bongsu la tengok movie ni
  • tak cukup dengan beratur panjang di kaunter tiket, semasa beratur di kaunter makanan dan minuman aku berang dengan 8 ekor anjing BBNU yang macam tak pernah beli pop corn dan air cola
  • dialog dalam movie the smurf ni tak la kelakar sangat
  • the smurf ni lawak dia tak la setanding dengan minion despicable me 
  • cukup sekadar melihat kebodohan azrael dan gargamel, kebudak-budak kan sifat victor doyle, bapa tiri kepada patrick winslow, serta ke-annoying an suara latar zizan sudah tahu betapa suka nya budak-budak kepada the smurf ni.
  • kombo the smurf di tgv wangsa walk boleh tahan laku, budak-budak banyak beli
gargamel membuka portal ke kampung smurf dan mengarahkan vexy menculik smurfette.papa smurf mencipta beberapa biji batu kristal untuk membawa smurf brainy,hefty,gusty dan satu untuk membawa pulang smurfette tetapi insiden tak diingini berlaku dan  secara tak sengaja batu kristal itu termasuk ke dalam mulut gouchy,clumsy dan vanity. papa smurf dan 3 smurf itu memulakan perjalanan mencari smurfette, mereka berkenalan dengan bapa tiri patrick iaitu victor. vexy dan hackus telah mem brainwash smurfette. di hujung cerita victor dan patrick berjaya menyelamatkan kesemua smurf itu dari disedut pati kuasa mereka oleh gargamel dan formula jampi papa smurf untuk membirukan smurf telah hangus dan selamat dari jatuh ke tangan gargamel.vexy dan hackus yang telah dibirukan badan mereka telah menyertai smurf yang lain di kampung smurf dan menjadi komuniti mereka, gargamel dan azrel telah termasuk ke dalam portal dan kembali ke istana mereka.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bila Macai Berkempen... #PakaiSongkok

#PakaiSongkok kempen pro umno sempena tayang filem tanda putera... kalau pakai songkok tu lambang melayu eh ?? songkok ni bukan berasal atau dibuat oleh rumpun melayu di Nusantara tapi diambil dari budaya asia selatan, tak percaya tengok orang India dan Pakistan punya songkok, bezanya songkok diorang warna putih. aku bukan nak mengulas pasal songkok dan dari mana asalnya tetapi aku cakap pasal kempen #pakaisongkok sempena tayang filem tanda putera ni. aku hairan kenapa filem patriotism lain seperti paloh dan leftenan adnan mereka ini tidak berkempen untuk memakai songkok ?? aku melihat filem paloh dan leftenan adnan itu tidak bersangkut paut dengan mana-mana parti politik. oh ! mungkin kerana filem tanda putera ini pro-UMNO jadi mereka hendak menjadi diri mereka lebih melayu dari mana-mana warganegara lain mereka yang akan menonton filem tanda putera itu nanti memakai songkok semata-mata untuk menonton wayang.

Kah ! Kah ! Kah ! apa punya kempen ini ?? page FB kami sayang tun dr M sudah-sudah la tu. kalau nak jadi melayu sangat apa salahnya jadikan baju melayu sebagai uniform rasmi untuk ke tempat kerja, nak jadi melayu ni kena berterusan dengan sekali pakai songkok je terus mengaku diri tu melayu. macam nak jadi mat saleh jugak, kena adaptasi kan diri dengan budaya dan bahasa diorang bukan dengan warnakan rambut dan setakat cakap bahasa asing pun tak betul dah bajet mat saleh.
kempen pakai songkok ni memang nak kena troll, dahtu tau nak attack DAP je kerja nya. apa punya kempen la...sudah-sudah la memperbodohkan rakyat, rakyat dah rasa muak dengan filem tanda putera ni, dah berapa lama tangguh dari ditayangkan ?? bila keluar filem new village baru nak terhegeh-hegeh tayang filem ni.untuk meraih sokongan bukan dengan buat filem yang tarafnya tak lebih dari propaganda semata-mata.aku malas nak mengulas jalan cerita sebab tak tengok lagi, yang pasti tengok filem tanda putera ni tak jadi kan diri kita ni lebih melayu dari sesiapa dan kempen pakai songkok ni ibarat kempen pakai spender sama warna, baru tau itu geng kita....

hurm....kenapa perlu letak rosli dhobi ?? bukan kah rukun 13 itu nasionalis yang menentang penjajah ?? umno pula bersekongkol dengan kerajaan british atau nama lainnya anjing british ?? rosli dhobi pula membunuh gabenor. sampai hati mempergunakan imej arwah itu untuk kempen ini. bukan aku tidak suka kepada UMNO, tetapi sejak umno diseleweng era anak iskandar kutty pelbagai jenis onar yang ditimbulkan oleh Pekembar ini, sesape orang UMNO yang tak tau maksud pekembar itu sila tanam diri hidup-hidup sekarang dalam liang lahad.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tapai....Ta Alif Fa Ya

Ini bukan buku tulisan isham rais tapi ini makanan tradisi umat melayu di nusantara, secara spesifiknya aku nak mengulas pasal tapai beras. Aku mula kenal tapai beras ni back to 1998, in the morning when a deaf uncle carry two basket side by side consist of tapai yang dibalut oleh daun keladi jenis keladi hanyut di sungai sadong. Pakcik tua tu menjaja tapai beras nya dengan berjalan perlahan sambil tunduk ke lantai jalan dan jika ada orang ingin membeli mereka akan menjerit dan memberi isyarat pada nya. Aku lain, I ran to him and told I him I want to bought his tapai then I ran to atok house waiting for him at staircase.

Rutin tu berterusan hingga lah aku berpindah ke kem penrissen, I still remember he sold his tapai only 20 cents each portion, convert to today his tapai maybe sold for 1 ringgit each. The unique is , tapai dia dibalut oleh daun keladi hanyut bukan daun keladi yang jenis orang jual buat sayur. rajin betul orang tua tu carik daun keladi, so many years to come ... Aku tak tau mana pergi pak tua tu dah jadi ahli kubur atau pun dah bersara dari menapai beras.

 Manis dan cukup masak tapai haji saili tu sentiasa di ingatan aku. Sebab di semenanjung tanah melayu ni, tapai yang aku jumpa dijual dalam satu ikat daun getah dan kuantiti tapai dalam setiap daun tu hanyalah secubit .... Tapai haji saili yang aku beli dulu tu segenggam untuk sehelai daun keladi.sejak kelibat haji saili menjaja tapai di kampung gedong tak lagi kelihatan, aku pun kurang nafsu untuk memakan tapai.

Semasa nak membeli juadah berbuka puasa di kubah ria minggu lepas aku sempat membeli tapai madu yang dibalut dari daun nipah dan hanya berharga 25 sen sebiji. Aku malas nak cakap banyak sebab mana nak dapat tapai beras semurah 25 sen di tahun 2013 ni ?? Rasa tapai dia kurang manis dan agak kering.tengah hari tadi pulak aku baru mencekik tapai yang diberi oleh mek kelate jiran sebelah rumah, banyak jugak tapai dia bagi 1 bekas. Ada yang dibalut dari daun getah,daun pisang.Tapi rasa dia kurang sedap sebab tapai beras tu tak masak rata, ada lagi beras yang masih keras, itu untuk yang dibalut daun getah, tapi yang dibalut daun pisang OK.

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Markas Yang Tinggal Kenangan

Kem 1 divisyen ni banyak sejarahnya semasa aku kecik dulu. Bapak aku bertugas di sini, masa 2003 office dia di tepi pagar tu diupgrade dari office bangunan kayu ke bangunan bersimen, dulu setiap kali raya haji kami sekeluarga dibawa ke sini dan meriah jugak kem ni sebab aku ramai kawan dari unit yang sama dengan bapak aku. Jadi semacam 1 kemestian setiap kali raya haji berkumpul di sini , solat sunat bersama di surau yang terletak di depan office dan tengok lembu disembelih . Ada jugak kedai gunting di sini kalau bapak tak sempat hantar ke kedai gunting, gunting je kat kedai gunting dalam kem ni. Dalam kantin kem ni jugak la aku pernah pekena teh tarik buih tebal di kantin yang diusahakan oleh famili DJ Fuzz Cats Fm, masa ni ayah dia mejar (B) Daud masih berkhidmat dalam askar. Lokasi kem ni jugak strategik sebab terletak di pusat bandar dan berdekatan hospital umum Kuching, jadi bila ada ahli keluarga sakit, bapak aku time rehat dan balik kerja boleh je berkunjung ke sini.

Kenangan yang aku tak boleh lupa sampai bila-bila ialah masa raya haji 2004, seekor lembu yang akan disembelih tiba-tiba mengamuk dan terlepas kemudian melanggar sebuah meja menuju ke arah aku. Aku dan seorang pakcik yang panik berlari sekuat hati ke pagar kem tu sampai koyak lutut seluar,ganas jugak lembu tu sampai tercabut kompressor air cond dia rempuh. 2013, raya ke 4, Hari ahad semasa aku melalui jalan di depan kem tu aku terkejut bumbung bangunan di situ terkopak dan ditanggalkan rupa-rupanya kem tu akan ditutup. Another lost memories ............
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UniversitI Tolong Melayu

meminjam kata-kata hikmat godfather aku - Isham Rais

 sahol hamid ni dari fikiran aku nama dia ' asshole hamid ' berkenaan isu

Gagal masuk universiti boleh kemuka rayuan ke UiTM


kah kah kah... TAPI SEMUA PELAJAR  REJECT.... kah kah kah..,.

kah kah kah...PATUT LAAA LULUSAN UITM... TAK LAKU.... kah kah kah..

kah kah kah... SEMUA KENA REJECT MASUK UITM.... kah kah kah...

kah kah kah.... UITM JADI LONGKANG PENAPIS KETUANAN MELAYU.... kah kah kah..

kah kah kah... SEGALA SAMPAH MASUK UITM.... kah kah kah...

kah kah kah... TANDA MERCU KETUANAN MELAYU... kah kah kah...

kah kah kah.... TAK CUKUP GRADE PUN BOLEH MASUK.... kah kah kah...

ketuanan melayu ini
muka tak malu
bila china pandai
bila india pandai  
tahu marah

yang melayu bodoh pun
di terima masuk
kah kah kah

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jangan Lepaskan Peluang Ini

berlaku setahun sekali, aku tak nak terlepas peluang tengok hujan meteor

sumber : blog taotauajer

 Meteor Perseid datang lagi tahun ini, kali ini ia datang di bulan syawal iaitu hari raya. Pada tahun lepas fenomena ini berlaku pada bulan Ramadhan. Tengok sini Gambar-Gambar Hujan Meteor Perseid 2012 . Malam ini Fenomena hujan meteor Perseid daripada buruj Perseus dijangka dapat dilihat di ruang angkasa negara ini malam isnin sehingga subuh pada hari Selasa.

Ketua Unit Penyelidikan Sains Angkasa, Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) Mhd Fairos Asillam berkata pancuran meteor Perseid antara paling menarik kerana cahayanya terang dan boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar di kawasan lapang
"Pancuran meteor berlaku apabila bumi melintasi laluan komet dan menyebabkan debu-debu komet ini terbakar apabila memasuki atmosfera bumi. Bagi pancuran meteor Perseid, ia berlaku kerana bumi melintasi laluan komet Swift-Tuttle yang mempunyai diameter nukleus lebih kurang 26 kilometer," katanya dalam kenyataan, di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata apabila komet itu semakin menghampiri matahari, ia juga turut melintasi orbit bumi dan meninggalkan debu-debu komet sepanjang perjalanannya.
"Debu-debu inilah yang akan memasuki atmosfera bumi dan menghasilkan pancuran meteor yang dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar," katanya. Nak tau lebih lanjut bagaimana meteor Perseid berlaku? Ini ada video daripada NASA tentang meteor Perseids
Beliau berkata waktu terbaik menyaksikan hujan meteor itu ialah selepas bulan terbenam bermula 11 malam. 

TAOTAUAJER : Malam ni boleh la korang saksikan pancuran meteor ini bagi mereka yang tak pernah lagi . Senang jer nak saksikannyer Korang hanya perlu gunakan MATA sahaja untuk melihat meteor-meteor ini, kerana anda perlukan ruang atau medan penglihatan yang luas. - Koleksi Fenomena Meteor

KL Aku Datang

Pukul 12.30 selamat sampai ke Lcct dari Kuching international airport. Dengan mendaratnya aku di lcct ni, mungkin ini kali terakhir aku mendarat di Lower Cost Carier Terminal sebab tahun depan Air Asia mula beroperasi di KLIA 2. Boleh kata hampir semua Kenangan yang sama aku lalui di LCCT ni sejak 2006 sebab aku balik sarawak je, tak pernah pegi tempat lain.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Misteri Pokok Kurma

Lokasi : dihadapan Setia Sky Residence

Aku ingatkan ni pokok kelapa sawit tapi bila mak aku kata yang tu pokok kurma , aku pun rasa hairan macam mana pokok ni boleh tumbuh di sini ?? Tak banyak yang boleh aku tahu pasal pokok kurma tu sebab masa tu dalam kereta nak masuk ke Chow Kit. Tapi unik jugak letak pokok kurma tu, kalau asyik letak pokok pinang dan kelapa rasa bosan tak menarik pun ada. Kreatif jugak landscapper dia yang bubuh pokok kurma tu.

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Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti , Berganti Tikar

Selepas aku pergi cari bateri baru kamera di Ampang Park, aku terjumpa satu majalah yang agak catchy tajuknya. Alang- alang ada duit lebih aku pun beli la 2 edisi, terbitan 2 dan 3. Terbitan 1 aku tak tau bila keluar, aku beli pun sebab nak isi kekosongan humor dalam diri bila majalah G3 yang jadi peneman di kala sunyi sejak 2005 ditamatkan riwayatnya oleh KarangCRAP ( saja aku menganjing nama Karangkraf ni ) bila aku belek isi-isi dalam majalah FUYYOO ! Ni aku dapat rasa ini lah pengganti kepada majalah G3 hasil dari pembacaan aku, majalah FUYYOO ! Ni diterbitkan sejak mei 2013 iaitu bulan terakhir dimana majalah G3 diterbitkan. Harga agak mahal iaitu RM 5.90 lebih mahal dari Gila - Gila tetapi dengan isi yang padat dan majalah ni jugak ada memanggil kartunis ZBH yang melukis Wak Punk untuk GG berbaloi untuk membelinya kerana banyak isi dan tiada lambakan ruangan iklan seperti G3

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